The fact the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 disc contains no data doesn’t bode well for video game preservation. The Xbox Series X has more storage than the PS5 (802GB versus 667GB) but the Xbox Series S has a paltry 364GB available. Xbox Series X|S owners will want to pick up the Seagate 1TB Storage Expansion Card, which is one of the best Xbox Series X accessories you can buy. The PS5 only has 667GB of storage available, which means Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 could eat up almost 25% of the PlayStation 5’s SSD. If you’re on PS5, then, you might want to check out our best PS5 SSD list and PS5 SSD upgrade guide. That’s not exactly a huge surprise, as 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare took almost 200GB of storage space.

The 151GB download size also doesn’t include Warzone 2, Call of Duty’s free-to-play battle royale mode, which is due to release on November 16. It also means that if you don’t have a working internet connection or have reached your data cap, the game is unplayable even if you own the disc. Once the disc is inserted, you’ll need to download a whopping 151.4GB of additional data, which doesn’t include co-op and multiplayer extras (thanks, PushSquare ).